Practical microbiology. Workshop for students

Autorzy: Jerzy Chylak

Rok wydania: 2001
Wydanie: I
Format: B5
Oprawa: Miękka
ISBN: 83-88732-20-X
Liczba stron: 76

This instructional workbook is to be an aid for students during their professional studies. The workbook contains 23 lessons (exercises). Each exercise will be preceded by a lecture. The theme of the lecture is given at the begining of every chapter. The lectures will be devoted mainly to practical bacteriology. After each lecture students will perform or observe some procedures related to the bacteriological diagnosis of the pathogenic microorganisms. At the end of the students program, a few lessons are devoted to practical work. Students themselvs will perform bacteriological examination of supplied material. The program may be changed because some bacterial species cannot be stored for long period. The author would appreciate remarks from students regarding the workbook, so that the next edition can be improved.

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